Friday, September 12, 2008


I really don't want to jinx it, but I'm too excited to not share. After days of uneventful cold calls and dead ends to lawyers and various disability organizations, I finally got someone to send out an expert to examine the actual site and determine whether it is in compliance with the ADA. Now they haven't actually sent out anyone yet so I've got my fingers crossed and I'm hoping.

Hmm what else is going on... I'm photographing the women's soccer game on Saturday. It's my first time really photographing a sports event at ground level. I did sneak in my camera into HP Pavillion to photograph the Sharks playing, but I'm pretty excited to get some sweet press access. This guy at newspaper has a 300 mm lens with a constant f2.8 maximum aperture. Now I don't expect any of you to share in my utter excitement but suffice it to say that its a freaking huge lens that costs like $4,000!!!

I started going to Karate this past week. It's great to get back into a martial art. All the formalities (like bowing before you enter the studio, addressing each other as sir or mam) bring back all my memories from the the 7-8 years that I did tae kwon do. I'm surprised that I remember everything pretty freaking well having never formally practiced for the last 4 years. I guess when you've performed a kick 10,000 times it's kinda hard to forget. 

Anyways that's it for now. Back to hitting the bio book. I figured I'd post out an update now because I don't think I'm going to get another chance for the next week or so. It's crunch time, I've got some epic tests coming up.

Quote for the week:
"It's the brown touch"

Song for the week:
Song for a Friend - Jason Mraz


1 comment:

Ravi said...

lol I have a feeling shan will have an interesting comment about you taking photos of the soccer game...

But grats on getting back into martial arts! Feels good, doesn't it? =b


You better be badass when we meet up over thanksgiving break